The only thing I want to write about is light,
what's in the eye and the stone.
Deep in their roots,
all flowers keep the light.
Here it is:
all signs, semblances, analogies:
all teeming, teaming with life and love.
Who rise from flesh to spirit know the fall:
the word outleaps the world, and light is all.
A pure light came;
And stole me away
From time.
To know that light falls and fills,
often without our knowing.
The spirit moves,
Yet stays
A lively understandable spirit
Once entertained you.
It will come again.
Be still.
When I create, I am true,
and I would like to find the strength
to base my life entirely on this truth,
on this infinite simplicity and joy.
There's no place else:
begin from where you are.
We are condemned to singing when we can;
Each long root blossoms to a different sun.
I teach my sighs
to lengthen into songs.
O to be delivered from the rational
into the realm of pure song
Solve all the leaps of light.
In purest song one plays the constant fool
As changes shimmer in the inner eye.
Growing both ways at once,
alive in the light, in the dark
Water's my will, and my way,
And the spirit runs, intermittently,
In and out of the small waves.
I have sunk down to rise. I see the stream
That bears me
I am; therefore, I continue.
I am by way of becoming
No more or less than I am.
This shaking keeps me steady.
I learn by going where I have to go.
Unafraid of what is
My secrets cry aloud.
I have no need for tongue.
My heart keeps open house,
My doors are widely flung.
I'm naked to the bone,
With nakedness my shield.
Myself is what I wear:
I keep the spirit spare.
In the first of the moon,
All's a scattering,
A shining.
Every discovery makes its own chaos.
Surround yourself with rising waters;
the flood will teach you to swim.
the mind remembers from a deeper sleep
I'll teach you all I've forgotten.
I am nothing but what I remember.
My memory, my prison.
Move over, sensitive sad minds.
A mind too active is no mind at all
If I feel good,
I can't think.
I am ready for a deeper silence.
May my silences become more accurate.
I long for the imperishable quiet at the heart
of form.
I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone.
I belong to my solitude.
Being, not doing,
is my first joy.
I do not wish a sense of the past;
only a sense of the continuous.
Time marks us while we are marking time.
Time has no home in me.
I knew a woman, lovely in her bones,
When small birds sang, she would sigh back at them;
Ah, when she moved, she moved more ways than one:
The shapes a bright container can contain!
She knows the speech of light
Light listened when she sang
I want the flower's outwardness, she said.
All I learned is what I love.
To know and to love: the same thing.
Act your heart.
There's nothing else.
By daily dying
I have come to be.
I shook the softening chalk of my bones
And shake the secrets from my deepest bones
I love how a skeleton looks.
The circles of my If & When
dissolving in the rain
When opposites come suddenly into place,
I teach my eyes to hear, my ears to see
How body from spirit slowly does unwind
Until we are pure spirit at the end.
-from Infinity
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
The day's on fire!
Today there's no time for the mistakes
of a long and slow development:
dazzle or die.
Truth is never undone;
His shafts remain.
I see what I believe.
I, who was half-defined,
Came to another mind.
The pure final repose
Of the widening rose.
I move beyond the reach
of wind and fire.
I have merged, like a bird,
with the bright air.
Rising or falling's
all one's discipline!
Reject nothing, but re-order all.
Simple and profound: how little there is.
The right thing happens to the happy man.
A rich mystic: that's what I want to be.
Live in a perpetual great astonishment.
I often laughed in the middle of the night.
I live in light's extreme;
I stretch in all directions;
Sometimes I think I'm several.
Every man is in nirvana,
if he but knows it.
What we need are more people
who specialize in the impossible.